Warrior Golf Clinics

To find a location near you, go to the ‘Locations’ tab.


At each chapter location, our Warrior Golf Clinics are held. They consist of eight (8) weeks of instructions by PGA Class A Professionals. The clinic program is structured to challenge any golfer, whether beginner or single-digit handicap. The social interaction and networking opportunities that exist through the game of golf are unmatched in any other sport, and provide a vehicle for integration back into the civilian community.

Who Can Participate

Service members or veterans of the US Armed Forces wounded or injured (incl. PTSD and TBI) since post-9/11/2001 and their immediate family or caregivers are eligible to participate free of charge. For more information about the member eligibility requirements and benefits, click here.


Each chapter requires dedicated individuals in the local community to donate and volunteer. For more information on ways you can help your local SMGA chapter, please find your local chapter under the ‘Locations’ tab,

For more information about our adaptive golf clinic programs, please email us at info@salutemilitarygolf.org. Please refer to the map above regarding what chapter you are interested in. If you are not close to a chapter, please reference the American Golfer Program in your email.