The American Golfer Program


The American Golfer program affords participation in SMGA to wounded veterans who are not located within close proximity to one of our clinic locations. This program matches post-9/11 wounded warriors with PGA of America professionals familiar with teaching adaptive golf. Through American Golfer, SMGA offers a series of private golf lessons covering all aspects of the game of golf. SMGA provides a custom-fitted set of clubs to any veteran who completes the program.

Who Can Participate

In order to be eligible, you must be service member or veteran of the US Armed Forces wounded or injured (incl. PTSD and TBI) while conducting overseas operations in support of the war post-9/11/2001.

For more information regarding our membership requirements, please click here.

How to Apply

To get start you will need to fill out our membership application. Please make sure to read through, and make sure all parts are filled out and required documentation is included. Email us at to receive information and registration forms for the American Golfer Program.

The Process


Submit Application
The first step in the process is to submit an application. Upon receipt of your application for membership our Headquarters Team will review your application for completeness. We will assign you an SMGA Team Member to get you through the application process.
Schedule Orientation
Once you have been assigned your SMGA Team Member, you will need to schedule a orientation interview. Your Team Member will walk you through all the necessary tracking documents and answer any questions you might have at this time.



Find Local PGA Pro
We will assist you in finding a local PGA Professional in your local area that will be able to work with you for your program. The program consists of six (6) 1-HR lessons and a club fitting.
Schedule Lessons
Once we have found your pro, we will need to begin scheduling your lessons. Lessons can be scheduled at any time. No more than one (1) lesson per week can be taken, and the program must be completed in three (3) months.



Send Paperwork
Once you have completed your lesson series, you will need to submit to your SMGA Team Member your lesson tracking paperwork. Once this has been received and reviewed, you are ready for the next step.
Club Fitting
One of the last things to do is schedule your custom club fitting. Upon successful completion of your lessons, you will be eligible for a custom fit set of TaylorMade golf clubs.



Equipment Ordering
Once your club fitting has been received, your clubs will be ordered. All new members are issued 11 clubs and a golf bag. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks for delivery.
At this time, you will be a Full Member of the SMGA, and entitled to all the benefits including golf course access, golf events, additional instruction, and much more.