SMGA NY-Adirondacks

One of the first chapters formed, SMGA-NY Adirondack has supported post 9-11 wounded and injured veterans living in Northern New York since 2011. This includes soldiers assigned to the 10th Mountain Division as well as all National Guard and Reserve Soldiers from the region who are receiving medical treatment at Ft Drum prior to being medically discharged for wounds & injuries sustained while on active duty. They traditionally run one summer program each year.
Who can participate
Service members or veterans of the US Armed Forces wounded or injured (incl. PTSD and TBI) since post-9/11/2001 and their immediate family or caregivers are eligible to participate free of charge. For more information about the member eligibility requirements and benefits, click here.


Each chapter requires dedicated individuals in the local community to donate and volunteer. For more information on ways you can help your local SMGA chapter, click here.

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