Our Impact

Our Impact on Veterans
The Salute Military Golf Association aims to meld a love of country and love of golf in an effort to support the mental and physical rehabilitation programs of post-9/11 wounded and injured veterans. SMGA golf professionals understand the unique needs of veterans and have witnessed the powerful benefits the game of golf can provide in improving the quality of life of wounded service men and women.
Physical & Mental Rehabilitation
Golf embodies strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, and mental discipline, all central qualities of a successful rehabilitation program. The lasting friendships SMGA golfers forge among themselves have helped many returns to active duty or successfully reintegrate into civilian life.

Military Families Served Too
The SMGA recognizes that when our nation’s men and women serve our country, their families do too. These long deployments are often stressful for those family members left to support the family and home. Because of this, the SMGA promotes a family-inclusive golf instruction environment and encourages clinic participation from our veterans’ families. All families and caregivers can participate in our clinics at no cost.