SMGA Members play in Special Events
Thanks to the generous support of Del Monte Foods and JD Fenessy, SMGA Members have been treated to two special golf experiences this spring.

Eight SMGA Members participated in the Monday after the Masters event, hosted by Hootie & the Blowfish in April. Accompanied by Board Members Jim Knorr and Dan Pflieger, Jim “Chief” Herring, Chris Herrick, Robert “Gunny” Driver, and Johnny Glenn from SMGA Carolinas, Ron Baker (SMGA Maryland), Garrett Bretton and Derek Egerman from SMGA New England, Nathaniel “Z” Zeigler and Richard Casper were special guests of Del Monte Foods and JD Fenessy at the event. They played three rounds of golf, attended several events at the House of Blues including a Masters watch party and, finally, a private concert by Hootie and the Blowfish. This is the sixth year in a row that Del Monte and JD Fenessy have treated our veterans to this special event

In June, Selau Aiviva (SMGA Hawaii), Lee Baleme (SMGA Pacific Northwest) and Rolondo Munoz (SMGA Pacific Northwest) were joined by SMGA Executive Director, Scott Allen, at the Russel Wilson Celebrity Invitational at the Suncadia Resort in Cle Elleum, WA. The guys attended the opening event, a live auction and reception at the Stillwater Winery and played the Prospector and Tumble Creek Golf Courses at the resort in the beautiful Cascade Mountains about 2 hours east of Seattle. Along with their celebrity partner, Justin Jesso, and host JD Fenessy the team had an experience that they will never forget